LuMind IDSC Acknowledged by T21RS For Work on COVID-19 Survey

LuMind IDSC Foundation President/CEO Hampus Hillerstrom and Chief Scientific Officer James Hendrix acknowledged for their efforts on the T21RS COVID-19 survey. Here is an excerpt from the T21RS Newsletter:

Meanwhile, the T21RS clinical committees organised an international survey to understand the presentation, complications and outcomes when people with Down syndrome are infected with SARS-Cov-2. Stephanie Sherman, Anke Huels, Alberto Costa and many other colleagues worked tirelessly to collate data from clinicians and families of affected individuals, and we are grateful for the support from all the organisations that agreed to fund this effort; in particular to Hampus Hillerstrom and Jim Hendrix of the Lumind IDSC Foundation who coordinated the funding effort.

Read the T21RS newsletter here.