Curated by trusted professionals, myDSC is a comprehensive directory of evidence-based resources and useful tools for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. The library provides members with reliable, up-to-date information regarding: health and wellness, lifestyle, education, medical and research information.

In addition to the all-access library, member benefits also include the services below!

¿Pasas mucho tiempo buscando en Google y guardando páginas web con temas y recursos acerca del síndrome Down? Si es así, échale un vistazo a (Mi Comunidad del Síndrome de Down), y únete a nuestra comunidad en línea gratis, ¡presentada por LuMind IDSC!

Ask Dr. Chicoine – a free and unique opportunity to ask Down syndrome expert, Brian Chicoine, MD, your questions about adolescent and adult healthcare, wellness, and mental health care. Dr. Chicoine responds to  specific questions and posts the answer for others to learn from, and you can browse the dozens of questions and answers already posted for other caregivers!

DSC2U – discounted access to a digital toolkit called Down Syndrome Clinic to You (DSC2U), created by national clinical experts. With DSC2U, caregivers receive up-to-date, personalized health and wellness information for their loved one with Down syndrome, which can also be shared with primary care providers.

The Resource Library  is a growing library of content from trusted resources for people with Down syndrome and their families and caregivers. It also includes resources for medical and research professionals.  myDSC members have access to educational, research, lifestyle, medical and healthcare resources in a variety of media formats such as webinars, social stories, videos and more.




Thank you to our amazing myDSC collaborators.