[fancy_box box_style=”parallax_hover” icon_family=”none” image_url=”6013″ link_new_tab=”true” parallax_hover_box_alignment=”middle” parallax_hover_box_overlay=”#9dc33c” parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity=”0.7″ parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity_hover=”0.9″ border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” color_scheme=”dark” secondary_content=”here’s some awesome text that would only be shown on hover” min_height=”400″ link_url=”https://new.lumindidsc.org/donate” image_size=”large”]

Donate Online

[/fancy_box][fancy_box box_style=”parallax_hover” icon_family=”none” image_url=”6008″ parallax_hover_box_alignment=”middle” parallax_hover_box_overlay=”#f69220″ parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity=”0.7″ parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity_hover=”0.9″ border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” color_scheme=”dark” secondary_content=”here’s some awesome text that would only be shown on hover” min_height=”400″ image_size=”large”]

Donate by Phone


[/fancy_box][fancy_box box_style=”parallax_hover” icon_family=”none” image_url=”6015″ parallax_hover_box_alignment=”middle” parallax_hover_box_overlay=”#001e61″ parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity=”0.7″ parallax_hover_box_overlay_opacity_hover=”0.9″ border_radius=”default” image_loading=”default” color_scheme=”dark” secondary_content=”here’s some awesome text that would only be shown on hover” min_height=”400″ image_size=”large”]

Donate by Mail

LuMind IDSC Foundation
Attn: Development Office
110 Winn Street, Suite 105
Woburn, MA 01801

[/fancy_box][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-calendar” margin_left=”10″ margin_right=”10″ url=”#monthlygiving”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” text_color=”#a4adb4″ style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Monthly Giving

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” position_desktop=”relative” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-university” url=”#donoradvisedfunds”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” text_color=”#a4adb4″ style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Donor Advised Funds

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-heart” url=”#tributeandmemorialgiving”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” text_color=”#a4adb4″ style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Tribute & Memorial Giving

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” position_desktop=”relative” left_position_desktop=”15″ right_position_desktop=”15″ icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-handshake-o” url=”https://new.lumindidsc.org/matching-gifts”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” text_color=”#a4adb4″ style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Employer Matching Gifts

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-briefcase” url=”#workplacegiving”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” text_color=”#a4adb4″ style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Workplace Giving

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-line-chart” url=”#donatestock”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Donate Stock

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-folder-open” url=”#qualifiedcharitabledistribution”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Qualified Charitable Distribution

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-gift” url=”#plannedgiving”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Planned Giving

[/nectar_highlighted_text][nectar_icon icon_family=”fontawesome” icon_style=”border-animation” icon_border_thickness=”2px” icon_color_type=”color_scheme” icon_color=”Accent-Color” open_new_tab=”true” icon_padding=”20px” pointer_events=”all” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-users” url=”#hostp2p”][nectar_highlighted_text color_type=”regular” style=”full_text” highlight_expansion=”default”]

Host A Fundraiser

[/nectar_highlighted_text]MONTHLY GIVING

A monthly donation is the easiest way to give and ensure that LuMind IDSC receives your ongoing support – and you can regularly make a difference in the lives of people with Down syndrome.  You choose the amount you wish to give each month and can change and/or cancel at any time.   Sign up now for monthly giving and make your first donation by credit card online. DONOR ADVISED FUNDS  

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) provide you with an immediate tax deduction, while allowing you to recommend gifts to charitable organizations on your own timeline.  

If you would like to direct a gift to LuMind IDSC, your fund manager will need to know the following information: 

LuMind IDSC mailing address 

LuMind IDSC Foundation
Attn: Development Office
110 Winn Street
Suite 105
Woburn, MA 01801

Federal Tax ID: 37-1483975 

Have further questions about DAFs or other ways to give? Contact Michelle Petronio, Chief Development Officer at [email protected].TRIBUTE AND MEMORIAL GIVING  

LuMind IDSC is grateful and honored to accept a donation on behalf of your loved one. It’s easy to honor and celebrate the life of friend or loved one by making a gift to LuMind IDSC. Simply complete the information in our secure online donation form, click here.

Once your gift is received, we will send a thank you letter to the honoree or family acknowledging your gift.EMPLOYER MATCHING GIFTS  

Many employers offer matching gift programs that match charitable contributions made by their employees. Most of these programs match contributions dollar for dollar. Your company may even triple your donation! Some companies match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses and/or partners. 

If your company is eligible, instructions on how to request a matching gift from your employer will be sent to you. JTNDc2NyaXB0JTNFdmFyJTIwRERDT05GJTIwJTNEJTIwJTdCJTIwQVBJX0tFWSUzQSUyMCUyMjdoOXNLbXJQVXBtbjliTWclMjIlMjAlN0QlM0IlM0MlMkZzY3JpcHQlM0UlMjAlM0NzY3JpcHQlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjJodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmRvdWJsZXRoZWRvbmF0aW9uLmNvbSUyRmFwaSUyRmpzJTJGZGRwbHVnaW4uanMlMjIlM0UlM0MlMkZzY3JpcHQlM0UlMjAlM0NkaXYlMjBpZCUzRCUyMmRkLWNvbnRhaW5lciUyMiUzRSUzQ2ElMjBocmVmJTNEJTIyaHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZkb3VibGV0aGVkb25hdGlvbi5jb20lMkZtYXRjaGluZy1ncmFudC1yZXNvdXJjZXMlMkZtYXRjaGluZy1naWZ0LWJhc2ljcyUyRiUyMiUzRU1hdGNoaW5nJTIwR2lmdCUzQyUyRmElM0UlMjBhbmQlMjAlM0NhJTIwaHJlZiUzRCUyMmh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGZG91YmxldGhlZG9uYXRpb24uY29tJTJGbWF0Y2hpbmctZ3JhbnQtcmVzb3VyY2VzJTJGdm9sdW50ZWVyLWdyYW50LWJhc2ljcyUyRiUyMiUzRVZvbHVudGVlciUyMEdyYW50JTNDJTJGYSUzRSUyMGluZm9ybWF0aW9uJTIwcHJvdmlkZWQlMjBieSUyMCUzQ2JyJTNFJTNDYSUyMGhyZWYlM0QlMjJodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRmRvdWJsZXRoZWRvbmF0aW9uLmNvbSUyMiUzRSUzQ2ltZyUyMGFsdCUzRCUyMlBvd2VyZWQlMjBieSUyMERvdWJsZSUyMHRoZSUyMERvbmF0aW9uJTIyJTIwc3JjJTNEJTIyaHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZkb3VibGV0aGVkb25hdGlvbi5jb20lMkZhcGklMkZpbWclMkZwb3dlcmVkLWJ5LnBuZyUyMiUyMCUyRiUzRSUzQyUyRmElM0UlM0MlMkZkaXYlM0UlMEE=

Please mail all gifts and forms to: 

LuMind IDSC Foundation 

Attn: Development Office
110 Winn Street
Suite 105
Woburn, MA 01801

Have any other questions about matching gifts? Email [email protected] and a member of our Development Team will reach out to you.


LuMind IDSC participates in workplace giving. Workplace giving allows the employee to make a donation via a payroll deduction. It can be one-time or a recurring gift. Ask your Human Resource department to see how you can designate LuMind IDSC to receive your charitable donation through your workplace.  

Have more questions about workplace giving or other ways to give? Please email [email protected] and member of our Development Team will reach out to you.DONATE STOCK 

We welcome your donations of stocks. A gift of stock may provide more benefits than a cash gift. When you make a gift of stock to LuMind IDSC, you eliminate the capital gains tax that would be due upon selling the stock and receive tax-savings and benefits while also supporting our mission.  

For those who wish to make a stock gift to LuMind IDSC, please provide the following information to your brokerage firm:

  • Receiving Bank Firm: Fidelity
  • Receiving Firm DTC Number: 0226
  • Receiving Account Title: LuMind IDSC Foundation
  • Receiving Account Number: Z40-209871
  • Federal Tax ID: 37-1483975

It is also helpful to notify us when you intend to make a stock gift. If you wish to receive a tax receipt, please instruct your broker to share your name and address with LuMind IDSC at the time of transfer.

Have further questions about gifts of stock? Contact Michelle Petronio, Chief Development Officer at [email protected].QUALIFIED CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTION 

Donors aged 70 ½ years or older can still receive tax benefits using the IRA Charitable Rollover (also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD). QCD’s avoid income tax on the distribution and satisfy the annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for donors aged 72 and older. Your IRA administrator can help you make a charitable distribution from your IRA.  

Have further questions about QCD’s or other ways to give? Contact Michelle Petronio, Chief Development Officer at [email protected].PLANNED GIVING  

When you include LuMind IDSC in your estate plan, your generosity helps to accelerate research and increase the availability of therapeutic, diagnostic, and medical care options empower families through education, connections, and support.  

For more information and to discuss planned giving, contact Michelle Petronio ([email protected]). FUNDRAISE FOR LuMind IDSC

Raise awareness and funds for LuMind IDSC and the Down syndrome community among your family, friends, and colleagues. We have tools to help you fundraise your way by easily incorporating your interests, passions, and skills. We’ll provide you with your own customized fundraising page and information about how your donations make an impact. Learn more, find inspiration, and get started on your fundraiser here.