The Washington Post Publishes Article to Bring Awareness of DS Related Alzheimer’s Disease

On Thursday, April 7, The Washington Post published a thorough, person-centric, and well-written article by reporter Laurie McGinley that we hope will bring renewed awareness of Down syndrome-related Alzheimer’s disease. The full article “For people with Down syndrome, a longer life, but under a cloud” is available on the Washington Post web site.

The article features quotes and background from our Chief Scientific Officer, Jim Hendrix, as well as other scientists and clinicians from the Down Syndrome Clinical Trials Network. Most importantly, the article includes points of view from self-advocates and their families: Karen Gaffney, the Nothnagle family, the Binek family, the Hutchinson family, Dr. Rassmussen, and the Rhondeau family.

Our grateful thanks to all who contributed to the success of the article and shared their stories and expertise. We are hopeful this article will help raise awareness of DS-AD and encourage further research into treatments.